Blossoming Azaleas at Shiofune Kannon


Shiofune Kannon Temple in Ome, Tokyo, is a must-visit destination. Experience the stunning display of 20,000 azaleas at the temple in April. The vibrant colors of these fluffy blooms will surely captivate you.

Welcome to my blog! Today, I am delighted to share with you one of the places I have had the pleasure of visiting multiple times and truly enjoy.

The video I’ve selected from YouTube is right here.

Tourist Attractions and Activities

Mystical Entrance

Shiofune Kannon Temple offers a delightful experience with its annual display of approximately 20,000 blooming azalea flowers, enchanting visitors throughout mid to late April.

As you approach the temple, your journey begins at the majestic Niō Gate, a designated National Important Cultural Property that transports you to a world of ancient wonders.

Continuing along the path beyond the gate, you’ll be greeted by towering cedars, recognized as natural monuments by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

These magnificent cedars boast trunks with a circumference of around 6 to 7 meters and reach impressive heights of nearly 40 meters, evoking a profound sense of awe.

Breathtaking Azalea Gardens

As we stroll through the wooded area along the path, the scenery suddenly opens up, revealing a breathtaking view of rolling hills adorned with blooming azaleas.

The vibrant colors of the azaleas, ranging from white, red, to purple, enchant us and add to their natural beauty. These well-pruned azaleas are meticulously arranged in a neat and orderly fashion, resembling large balls of yarn encircling the temple. The precise alignment of the flowers is sure to captivate our hearts.

Despite their short blooming period, the azaleas are carefully selected from various varieties with slight differences in their flowering time, allowing for an extended period of enjoyment.

Enjoying Azaleas

The temple grounds stretch in a long, boat-like formation from north to south. As we enter from the southern side and make our way toward the back, we are engulfed by the presence of azalea flowers on both sides.

Passing by the vibrant main hall adorned with fabric hangings and flags, we are moved by the sight of azaleas lining up like a devoted audience paying homage to the statue of Kannon, majestically perched on the distant hill.

One of the most memorable experiences at the temple is exploring the scenic walking trail that encircles the hills. This trail guides us through a charming forest of azaleas and leads us to the hilltops, where we can take in the breathtaking views of the vibrant azalea bushes from different perspectives, immersing ourselves even deeper in their beauty.

I recommend visiting the observation deck at the base of the Kannon statue, as it offers a panoramic vista of the temple grounds.

Finding Joy in Rainy Days

The pathway that winds through the hills is made of exposed soil, which can become muddy when it rains.

It’s ideal to plan your visit on a sunny day. However, if you happen to be there during rainfall, a unique experience awaits you.

From the hilltops, you can witness tourists strolling through the azalea bushes with their umbrellas open, their red, blue, and colorful umbrellas blending harmoniously with the azalea bushes, creating an enchanting sight resembling balls of yarn. It’s like a living painting that unfolds before your eyes.

Check the Blooming Status

As the period of full bloom for the azaleas is brief, I recommend checking the blooming status on the temple’s website (available in Japanese only). This way, you can plan your visit accordingly and ensure you don’t miss the optimal timing to witness the azaleas in their fullest splendor.

Culture, History, and Traditions

The name of Shiofune Kannon Temple is derived from the combination of the characters “Shio,” meaning salt, and “Fune,” meaning boat, which symbolize the remarkable topography on which the temple stands.

In Buddhist teachings, the concept of guiding all living beings, including humans, to transcend their illusions is often represented by a boat sailing across the sea with passengers. Additionally, the temple’s surroundings feature gentle hills that resemble the majestic shape of a ship.

By combining these elements, the characters “塩船” (Shiofune) are used, encapsulating the dual meanings of salt and boat.

According to legend, a legendary female Buddhist monk, who achieved eternal youth and longevity, is believed to have enshrined a tiny, two-inch purple-gold statue of Kannon at this location between the years 645 and 650 AD, marking the foundation of the temple. Some of the buildings within the temple grounds date back to the Muromachi period (1336 to 1573 AD).

These numerous cultural treasures, which carry the essence of history, have been officially designated as important cultural properties by the government.

Dining Guide

The temple is nestled in a serene town in Ome City, a part of Tokyo. Instead of searching for eateries around the temple, it is recommended to enjoy a meal near your accommodations or the nearby train stations before your visit.

In case you find yourself hungry upon arrival at the temple, you can take advantage of the food court situated within the temple grounds, specializing in noodles. You have the choice of “soba,” which is made from buckwheat, or “udon,” made from wheat flour, both available at reasonable prices of around 500 yen. Additionally, they offer delectable treats like skewered dumplings with a sweet sauce and refreshing ice cream.

Moreover, during the azalea season, you’ll come across various food stalls where you can relish these culinary delights, ensuring your hunger is thoroughly satisfied.


There aren’t many major lodging options near the temple. However, if you prefer to stay as close as possible, there are several accommodations along the JR East Ome Line, which runs near the temple.

As the Ome Line connects to the central Chuo Line, a key transportation route to central Tokyo, it is recommended to find accommodations in the central area of Tokyo. This will provide you with a variety of lodging options that cater to your preferences.


To reach Shiofune Kannon Temple using public transportation, you have the option to take a bus from nearby train stations.

The nearest station is Kawabe Station on the JR East Ome Line, although depending on the bus schedule, Higashi-Ome Station might be more convenient.

If you’re traveling from the central area of Tokyo, you can begin your journey at Tokyo Station and take the JR East Chuo Line, which passes through Shinjuku Station. From there, you can either take a train directly to Ome on the Chuo Line, which connects to the Ome Line, or transfer to the Ome Line at Tachikawa Station.

If you’re coming from the Yamanashi Prefecture area, such as Lake Kawaguchi, it is also recommended to utilize the Chuo Line. Please note that since there are no direct trains, you will need to transfer to the Ome Line at Tachikawa Station.

Once you alight at Kawabe Station or Higashi-Ome Station on the Ome Line, you can catch a bus and disembark at the Shiofune Kannon Temple Entrance bus stop, which is approximately a 10-minute ride away. If you’re departing from Shinjuku Station, the total travel time is approximately 2 hours, and the fare is around 1000 yen.

Budget and Transportation Tips

To fully enjoy the beauty of the azaleas at Shiofune Kannon Temple, it’s best to visit between mid-April and early May. However, please note that the peak bloom period may end by late April, depending on the year. It’s a good idea to check the reports on Shiofune Kannon Temple’s official website in advance to stay informed.

The temple grounds are open to visitors from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, allowing ample time for entry and exploration.

While access to the temple grounds is generally free, there is a fee of 300 yen during the azalea blooming season, which is collected upon entering the premises.

During this season, temporary buses operate approximately every 10 to 20 minutes, connecting Kawabe Station and Shiofune Kannon Temple.

Keep in mind that the temple attracts a large number of visitors during the peak season, leading to crowded conditions. If you prefer a calm and leisurely sightseeing experience, it is recommended to arrive at the temple gate by 8:00 AM on weekdays.

Weather Guide

The weather in mid to late April offers pleasantness, inviting you to comfortably enjoy the days in short sleeves under the sunny skies. However, it’s wise to be prepared with versatile clothing, as occasional rainy days and cooler temperatures may occur.

To fully appreciate the breathtaking beauty of the azaleas, a leisurely stroll along the well-paved roads is all you need. There are also paved paths leading to the hilltop and a scenic circular road encircling it. Just keep in mind that the narrow trails on the slopes, where the azaleas bloom, have exposed soil. For a more immersive experience among the azaleas and even for hiking up the hill through the azalea-covered paths, it’s recommended to wear comfortable shoes.

Especially on rainy days or the day after rain, the narrow trails on the slopes can become muddy and slippery. It’s advisable to wear shoes with good traction to prevent any slips or falls.