Unique Agricultural Landscapes in Saga

Discover a unique and picturesque Japanese landscape at the Hamanoura terrace rice fields in Genkai town, Saga prefecture. Known as “Senmaida,” this location has been preserved for generations since before the Edo period and features 283 small and large rice paddies.

Welcome to my blog! Today, I’d like to introduce you to the Hamanoura terrace rice fields, located in Saga Prefecture. Although I haven’t had the chance to visit yet, I’ve conducted detailed research on its allure, and I’m delighted to share this information with all of you.

Visitors can witness the beauty of the rice fields, especially during the hours of sunlight, and also during the “Blue Hour” when the sun sets, painting the fields and sea in beautiful colors. Embark on an adventure to explore this wonderful terrace rice field!

The video I’ve selected from YouTube is right here.

Tourist Attractions and Activities

In Genkai town, Saga prefecture, you can find a picturesque terrace rice field in Hamanoura. This unique Japanese landscape is a well-known tourist attraction. Situated on a sloping hillside with a view of the sea to the west, the beautiful terrace rice fields cover 11.5 hectares and overlook a small cove, creating a clear and vivid description.

These rice fields have been preserved since before the Edo period, allowing visitors to witness the ancient stone walls built by farmers long ago. The fields are known as “Senmaida” because there are 283 small and large rice paddies surrounded by embankments. This landscape is famous not only in Japan but also renowned worldwide.

The Best Season to Visit

Koshihikari, Japan’s renowned and beloved rice variety, flourishes in the scenic Hamanoura terrace rice fields. As mid-April arrives, the fields come alive with glistening water, and by early May, the delicate planting process is complete. This short period unveils a captivating spectacle, showcasing the beauty of water-filled paddies and the meticulous planting of the prized Koshihikari rice.

The Best Hour to Visit

Visit the observation deck overlooking the Hamanoura terrace rice fields for a stunning view. To fully appreciate the beauty of this place, plan to arrive around 6 pm, just after the 7 pm sunset. This timing allows you to enjoy the ever-changing scenery of the rice fields in the sunlight.

Around 30 minutes before sunset, the fields gradually reveal their true beauty. Witness the breathtaking “Blue Hour” as the sun sets below the horizon, turning the sea and rice fields into a beautiful canvas of orange hues. Picture the sun setting on the horizon, casting shades of orange over the water-filled paddies and the vast sea.

This view changes with weather, wind, cloud conditions, water levels in the rice fields, and the sun’s position, ensuring a unique experience every time. Witnessing this spectacle in person will leave you with an unforgettable memory.

The Hamanoura terrace rice fields harmoniously blend history, culture, and nature, making it a beautiful destination. To fully immerse yourself in Japan’s landscapes, don’t miss this incredible location. However, be aware that it can get crowded, especially during Japan’s Golden Week holiday in early May. For a more peaceful visit, consider weekdays in the evening, away from weekends and holidays.

Culture, History, and Traditions

This region served as a vital transportation hub connecting Japan with the Eurasian continent, shaping its rich history and cultural identity. It is known as the birthplace of Japan’s rice cultivation culture, where the country’s oldest irrigated rice paddies are located.

The area’s distinct cultural diversity has inspired the creation of various pottery traditions, including the world-renowned Imari, Arita, and Karatsu ware. 

A calendar of lively festivals from July to November celebrates the region’s vibrant history and customs, providing a chance to experience Japan’s enduring traditions. The Karatsu Kunchi festival, among others, has even earned recognition as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Dining Guide

The coastal area facing the terraced rice fields of Hamanoura in northwestern Kyushu is renowned as one of the world’s top fishing grounds, thanks to the Tsushima Current that flows through it. Despite the rough and high waves of the Genkai Sea, the area is teeming with a diverse range of seafood, including lobster, flounder, and turban shells.

One delicacy that stands out is the squid, a representative ingredient of Saga prefecture that is featured in many local dishes. Although squid consumption is limited worldwide due to religious reasons and its unique appearance, it is a popular ingredient in many Asian countries. The locally sourced squid shumai, a rare delicacy, is especially popular among visitors.

提供:(一社)唐津観光協会 / Photo provided by Karatsu Tourism Association

In addition to the seafood, Saga’s ideal climate and fertile soil have given rise to the premium wagyu beef known as Saga beef, which boasts a tender texture and a sweet, rich flavor. 

The area around Karatsu city, located near the Hamanoura terraced rice fields, is also home to many restaurants serving ayu, a freshwater fish caught in the region’s abundant rivers.

 Ayu is prepared in various ways, including salt-grilled, tempura, and candied. We highly recommend trying these delectable culinary offerings if you have the chance to visit the area.


To accommodate your stay around the scenic Hamanoura terraced rice fields, you’ll have to take a bus back to the city as there are no lodging facilities available in the vicinity.

 Fortunately, you can find various hotels, traditional Japanese inns, and guesthouses that can be booked online around the Karatsu Station area, which is relatively closer to Fukuoka city than other stations.


To reach Hamanoura’s stunning terraced rice fields, the best way is to start by heading to the nearest major city, Fukuoka. You have two options to get there: you can either take a plane to Fukuoka Airport or catch a train to Hakata Station.

Once you arrive at either Fukuoka Airport or Hakata Station, take the Subway Airport Line towards Karatsu. Along the way, transfer to JR Kyushu and travel for about an hour and a half to Nishi-Karatsu Station. Since there are direct lines available that don’t require transfers, it’s recommended to check the subway timetable and catch a convenient train.The cost of the train for this section is approximately 1100 yen.

From Nishi-Karatsu Station, take a local bus  (Japanese ) to the Hamanoura’s terraced rice fields bus stop, which is located near the rice fields and takes about 40 minutes. On the way, you’ll need to transfer at the “Kanano Te” bus stop.The bus fare for this section is around 1300 yen. It is advisable to prepare coins in advance as high-value bills may not be accepted.

Budget and Transportation Tips

When you’re exploring a new area, it’s always tempting to try out some mouthwatering Japanese cuisine or indulge in some delicious wagyu beef at a nearby restaurant. However, finding the perfect spot can be quite a challenge. Fortunately, there’s an alternative solution that could make your culinary experience even more memorable: why not opt for a lodging that serves up fresh, locally-sourced dishes?

For example, the Mizuno Ryokan in Karatsu City not only provides an authentic Japanese lodging experience, but also boasts a menu of incredible, locally-inspired dishes.

And speaking of saving money, if you’re a foreign traveler coming to Japan for sightseeing, you’ll definitely want to check out the Japan Rail Pass. This special promotion ticket allows you to travel on JR trains as much as you like for a fixed period of time, which could help you save a lot on transportation costs during your stay.

Weather Guide

The region enjoys a rather temperate climate due to the influence of the northward-flowing Tsushima Warm Current. It has a maritime climate with minimal temperature variations, and the average temperature in April ranges from about 12 to 18 degrees Celsius.

It’s worth noting that this area is also prone to frequent rain, so it’s crucial to check the weather forecast before embarking on a visit to the terraced rice fields. And to catch a breathtaking sunset, be sure to plan your visit on a clear and sunny day.