Watch Japanese Cranes In Tsurui Village

red-crowned crane

In Tsurui Village, Hokkaido, winter offers a great opportunity to witness the impressive sight of hundreds of red-crowned cranes (also known as Japanese cranes).

Welcome to my blog! Today, I’m delighted to introduce the natural habitat of the red-crowned cranes in Tsurui Village. During my previous visit to this location in the summer, I noticed that the number of cranes visible was relatively low. Therefore, I conducted thorough research to provide you with information on visiting again during the winter season when a significant number of red-crowned cranes gather in this area.

It’s interesting to note that red-crowned cranes are not only beautiful but also symbolize harmonious partnerships, as they remain lifelong mates once they have chosen their breeding partner.

The video I’ve selected from YouTube is right here.

Tourist Attractions and Activities

What is the Red-crowned Crane?

The Red-crowned Crane is one of the largest bird species native to Japan. It measures approximately 140 cm in body length and can extend its wingspan to about 240 cm. This elegant bird features predominantly white feathers, with black markings on its neck and tail, and a striking red crown on its head.

The Red-crowned Crane is a year-round resident in Japan. During the spring and summer months, they can be found scattered across various locations in the Kushiro Wetlands, where they engage in breeding and caring for their young. In the autumn and winter, feeding activities are organized for their conservation, attracting many Red-crowned Cranes to Tsurui Village and Akan Town.

Places and Seasons to Observe Red-crowned Cranes

If you’re interested in observing red-crowned cranes, here are some recommended locations and seasons to consider:

Tsurumidai in Tsurui Village, Hokkaido

Tsurui Village, situated in the eastern part of Hokkaido, is surrounded by the Kushiro Wetlands and serves as a winter habitat for red-crowned cranes every year. One of the feeding sites in Tsurui Village is called “Tsurumidai“.

Feeding activities occur during the winter months from November to March, attracting several cranes each year as they come in search of food. In February, you can witness courtship displays by the cranes, making it a popular spot for photographers and tourists from various parts of the country. Moreover, there is a café located in front of Tsurumidai, offering the opportunity to enjoy a meal while observing the red-crowned cranes through the café’s windows.

Tsurui-Ito Tancho Sanctuary in Tsurui Village

Located near Tsurumidai, there is another feeding site known as Tsurui-Ito Tancho Sanctuary.

Feeding activities also take place here during the winter months, from November to March, attracting numerous cranes that fly in and drawing many tourists. The feeding sessions usually occur around 9 AM and 2 PM, providing a precious opportunity to witness the sight of many red-crowned cranes feeding.

At the sanctuary, you can find a Nature Center operated by the Wild Bird Society of Japan, offering warm indoor telescopes for observing the red-crowned cranes. Moreover, you have the option to listen to detailed explanations about the cranes’ behavior and ecology from rangers and volunteer guides before beginning your observation.

Otowa Bridge in Tsurui Village

Otowa Bridge is a unique spot where you can observe red-crowned cranes resting in the river. The red-crowned cranes stand on one leg and tuck their beaks into their feathers while sleeping. The temperature in this area can drop to around -15 degrees Celsius, leading to the formation of fog. As the rising morning sun touches the fog, the background around the red-crowned cranes gradually takes on an orange hue. This location is popular among photographers aiming to capture the distinct and mystical atmosphere in their photos.

Around 7 o’clock, the red-crowned cranes fly together towards Otowa Bridge, prompting some photographers to start preparing as early as 2 AM.

If you plan to visit this place to capture such photos, it is best to travel by rental car to ensure you can arrive early in the morning. There are plenty of parking spaces near Otowa Bridge. However, keep in mind that it can get crowded during holidays and peak times.

Moreover, many photographers recommend using a lens with a minimum focal length of 400mm (full-frame equivalent), preferably 600mm or more. Additionally, due to the extremely cold weather, batteries tend to drain quickly, so it’s wise to keep spare batteries in your pocket to keep them warm.

Tancho Observation Center in Akan Town

In the neighboring town of Tsurui Village, you can find the Akan Tancho Observation Center. Here, from November to March, they conduct feeding activities that attract hundreds of cranes.

This facility serves as a center for studying the red-crowned cranes’ ecology, offering videos and photographs of various animals in the Tokachi region to help visitors learn about the red-crowned cranes.

You can also observe the red-crowned cranes from the warm indoor area, where complimentary binoculars are available.

Additionally, the adjacent “Akan International Crane Center – GRUS” is open throughout the year. In the outdoor “Wild Bird Enclosure,” they keep red-crowned cranes and white-naped cranes, allowing you to observe them up close no matter the season. If you visit this region during the spring to summer months, it is one of the few places where you can encounter wild red-crowned cranes.

Kushiro Tancho Nature Park in Kushiro City

At Kushiro Tancho Nature Park in Kushiro City, you can observe several red-crowned cranes living freely, and they can be seen here throughout the year. If you don’t have time to visit Tsurui Village or if you’re planning to explore this region during the spring to summer, this park is a suitable place to encounter red-crowned cranes.

The park offers an observation deck with a panoramic view of the red-crowned cranes’ enclosure, an exhibition room, and a resting area where you can observe the cranes from indoors. It is conveniently located about a 10-minute drive from Kushiro Airport, making it easily accessible for visitors.

Culture, History, and Traditions

Red-crowned cranes are mainly found in wetlands, rivers, and lakes in the Kushiro region of Japan. Despite their presence in this area since ancient times, their population once faced a significant decline and was even considered extinct due to wetland development and overhunting.

However, in 1924, several dozen cranes were rediscovered in the Kushiro Wetland. Since then, local conservation efforts, including feeding programs, have played a crucial role in their population recovery, which now exceeds 1,500 cranes.

Even today, during the winter when food is scarce, dedicated efforts are made to provide corn and other food sources to ensure the survival of these cranes. The regions mentioned earlier serve as important centers for these conservation activities.

Dining Guide

Tsurui Village is a stunningly beautiful and abundant natural area. While the number of restaurants may be limited, there are a few located along Hokkaido Route 53, which runs through the village.

The closest restaurant to Tsurui-Ito Tancho Sanctuary and Tsurumidai is “Doremi Fasora“. It opens from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. However, keep in mind that it is closed on Tuesdays and the third Wednesday of each month.


There are only a few accommodation options available in the Tsurui Village area. Near Tsurumidai, you can find Tsukushi Villege and a guesthouse offering lodging services. Additionally, you can find information about other accommodations in Tsurui Village on the Tourism Association’s website.

If you encounter difficulty in finding accommodation in Tsurui Village, there are plenty of other lodging facilities to choose from near Kushiro Station.


There are multiple ways to reach Tsurui Village.

By plane

For long-distance travel, flying is a convenient option. The closest airport is Kushiro Airport, followed by Nemuro-Nakashibetsu Airport.

Kushiro Airport

If you’re coming from a distant location, your first destination is Kushiro Airport. From there, you have two choices. First, you can take a shuttle bus to Kushiro Station and then transfer to a local bus heading to Tsurui Village. Alternatively, you can rent a car and drive there.

The shuttle bus connects the airport to Kushiro Station in about an hour, and the fare is approximately 1000 yen.

If you opt to rent a car, the journey to Tsurui Village takes around 40 minutes. However, be mindful of winter conditions, as frozen roads can affect travel time, potentially making it longer.

You’ll find links to 6 car rental companies on Kushiro Airport’s website, so it’s a good idea to make a reservation in advance.

Nemuro-Nakashibetsu Airport

Though a bit farther from Kushiro Airport, you can also use Nemuro-Nakashibetsu Airport. In this case, you’ll need to rent a car and drive for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to reach Tsurui Village. Similar to the previous option, winter conditions may impact travel time, making it longer.

You’ll find links to 5 car rental companies on Nemuro-Nakashibetsu Airport’s website, so it’s advisable to make a reservation in advance.

By train

If you prefer traveling by train, you can get off at Kushiro Station, the nearest JR Hokkaido station. Keep in mind that Hokkaido is a vast region, and traveling between cities may take considerable time. For example, it takes about 5 hours to travel from Sapporo, where the Hokkaido government is located.

From Kushiro Station to Tsurui Village, you can either use a local bus or rent a car.

For car rentals, there are plenty of rental companies around the station, easily found on the internet. Reserving a car in advance is recommended to ensure availability.

Regarding the local bus option, take the Tsurui Line operated by Akan Bus from bus stop No.15 at Kushiro Station Bus Terminal. Look for buses with the route number “20.” The journey takes around 1 hour, and the fare is about 1300 yen. Note that there are only about 4 buses per day on this route, so it may not be suitable if you’re in a hurry to travel.

Budget and Transportation Tips

In Hokkaido, winters are known for their extreme cold and heavy snowfall. This can occasionally lead to transportation disruptions, so it’s a good idea to have some flexibility in your travel plans.

Even if you opt for using JR (trains) to travel around the vast region of Hokkaido, keep in mind that it may take longer than expected. Therefore, it’s recommended to allow extra time in your travel schedule.

The most recommended approach is to fly to the nearest airport and then rent a car. However, when driving, exercise caution as Hokkaido’s roads are often straight and allow for higher speeds. The region is abundant in nature, and animals may unexpectedly appear on the roads. Additionally, the police frequently enforce traffic regulations.

It’s important to note that navigating and securing transportation options in Hokkaido during winter might be challenging for foreign travelers who are unfamiliar with Japan’s transportation system. One solution is to use tour services found online. While I haven’t personally used them, you can find tours provided by Japanese companies like Saiyu Travel, shiretokoserai, as well as tours organized by overseas companies available on the internet.

Weather Guide

The area around Kushiro in Hokkaido, located in the northern part of Japan, enjoys dry seasonal winds throughout the year, creating a region with relatively low precipitation, including snowfall, and generally pleasant weather conditions. In the summer, there can be instances of dense fog, which may result in fewer sunny days. On the other hand, winters see less snowfall, but it remains cold with many clear days.

During the winter season, when you have the opportunity to observe the red-crowned cranes as mentioned earlier, the roads may freeze, and occasionally, there can be heavy snowfall and blizzards due to low-pressure systems. It is important to exercise caution as cars getting stuck on the roads for extended periods can lead to dangerous situations. Checking weather forecasts beforehand is highly recommended.

Furthermore, winters often bring strong winds, leading to a significant drop in the perceived temperature. When going outdoors, it’s crucial to dress warmly with thick coats, down jackets, gloves, hats, and other cold-weather clothing. For footwear, it is advisable to wear shoes with non-slip soles to prevent accidents caused by slippery surfaces.